Dedicated to the ones we LOVE, RESPECT & OWE so much to

This section of the Dance Engagements website pays homage to Friends and Family members that have devoted countless hours to our cause and those that have helped Dance Engagements get to where it is today. There is no amount of Thank Yous we can say or monetary compensation for the gratitude that we have for these beautiful people. We are forever in debt to you ALL!
Friends, Family, Affiliates and Loved Ones
Olga Gill, Sindy Molina, Vanessa Calenzani, Maria Cabrera, Betsy Perez, Velvet Contreras, Linda Perez, Aldo Paez, 3:19 Dance Art, Xocoyote, Raul Torres, Joey Leon, Nina King, Beatriz Vasquez, Gabriel Lozano, Arody Trujillo, Orlando Agawin, Alice Vaid, Rudy Perez, Freddie Thompson, Frank from HHS, Dj NME, Camp HollywoodLand, Hollywood High School, Mariel Sancio, Pat Taylor and Caricabela – LA Carnaval.
Role Models, Inspirations & Idols
Michael Jackson, Jabbawockeez, Missy Elliot, MC Hammer, Usher, Kenny Ortega, Justin Timberlake, Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston, Paula Abdul, Fanny Pak, Abby Lee Miller, Mia Michaels and Kenny Long.