Dear Prospective Supporter:
Dance Engagements invites you to become a sponsor for Cali Dance Camp 2019, which focuses on community, world dance culture classes, environment health, and team building skills. The primary source of funding for our CDC spectacle is from fundraising and sponsors, such as yourself. Dance Engagements receives no governmental funds, therefore your sponsorship will help dancers from all walks of life, by giving them the opportunity to live the ultimate dance experience. Your contribution will also assure the success of this epic event, which will be held on November 8th-10th, 2019 at the premier outdoor area inside of Camp Hollywoodland located in the heart of Hollywood.
Meet Dance Engagements — a non-profit 501(c) (3) dance organization devoted to engaging and educating dancers of all ages, shapes, and sizes in the arts of cultural dances from around the world. While promoting positive physical health, community outreach, environmental awareness, and self-betterment. For the past 10 years! Dance Engagements has been committed to giving back to the community, making a difference in the lives of many children, and families. Nearly the entire staff and volunteers are alumni of the star-making, world-famous Hollywood-High, who through the Arts have moved on to become professionals in various respectable fields. Together they have joined forces to manifest an organic dance company that pays forward all the opportunities they have been given without the desire of financial gain. Why? Because the Arts matter…Dance matters!
We represent our organization and community throughout the year with pride and respect. During the past couple of years, we have performed and participated in various events, such as the reopening of the Griffith Park Observatory, the 50th Anniversary of Jamaica, Michael Jackson Thrill the World, California African American Museum, 50th Anniversary for Ocean Park Community Center, National Water Dance Movement, Postal Carrier Day, Parades, Recitals, and Showcases throughout the city or Los Angeles.
Please be specific in the memo section what you would like your donation to benefit, example: CDC 2019, equipment, event venue, or general for all the above. Any dollar amount is greatly appreciated. We also welcome your suggestions & thoughts on sponsorship and would love to discuss any creative ideas you have.
Thank You!
Respectfully, Dance Engagements
Board of Directors
- Adel Paez, President/Director
- Freddie Thompson, Treasurer
- Carlos Carrera, Marketing Director
- Linda Perez, Secretary
- Gizella Czene, Board Member
Please make a financial donation to help our organization continue its mission.
Checks or money orders should be made out to:
Dance Engagements, Inc.
5425 Carlton Way #307, Los Angeles, CA 90027.
You can also donate safely through Paypal at:
What is Dance Engagements?
We’re a non-profit 501(c) (3) dance organization devoted to engaging and educating dancers of all ages, shapes, and sizes in the arts of cultural dances from around the world. While promoting positive physical health, community outreach, environmental awareness, and self-betterment. For the past 10 years! Dance Engagements has been committed to giving back to the community, making a difference in the lives of many children, and families. Nearly the entire staff and volunteers are alumni of the star-making, world-famous Hollywood-High, who through the Arts have moved on to become professionals in various respectable fields. Together they have joined forces to manifest an organic dance company that pays forward all the opportunities they have been given without the desire of financial gain. Why? Because the Arts matter…Dance matters!